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New Town 75th Anniversary

Corby Town Council is asking residents how a landmark in Corby’s history should be recognised.

April 1st, 2025, will mark exactly 75 years since Corby was officially designated as a “New Town”.

Following the Second World War a push for new homes across the country was underway, alongside a growing demand for iron and steel. For Corby this meant an official plan was actioned for more houses and amenities for steelworkers and their families. The goal was to complete Corby’s transformation from a village to a modern town with its own identity. In the decades that followed, Corby’s population grew at least five times over into the tens of thousands.

A unique community emerged shaped by migration, that brought cultural influences not just from Scotland, where many newcomers had originated, but from around the world. Corby’s industry has changed since 1950, but it is still widely known as a growing town with a strong community spirit.

Corby Town Council wishes to commemorate this significant anniversary and invites the people of Corby to share their thoughts and ideas on how this should be achieved. The Town Council would also love to receive photos or memorabilia of Corby since 1950 that could be shared more widely.

Leader of Corby Town Council, Cllr Mark Pengelly, said: “Much of the Corby we love now was built on the back of becoming a New Town nearly 75 years ago. The steelworks had become established and the development corporation was formed to build the new extended Corby.  Within a few years a new town centre was built and new housing and industrial estates and new leisure facilities were provided.  What are your memories of this? Why not share them, and your ideas on how Corby should celebrate the 75th anniversary. It’s your town so let us know.”

We’d like to hear about experiences of living in the new town era from 1950 onwards – did you and your family come to live in Corby during this time ? What it was like to live and work here, what are the experiences and places you remember that may not be around today?

You can get in touch by e-mail to projects@corbytowncouncil.gov.uk, message Corby Town Council on social media or write to:  Corby Town Council, 43 High St, Corby, NN17 1UU.

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