Inquest opens into death of RAF Coningsby Corporal Liam Proudly who died after crash

An inquest has been opened into the death of Corporal Liam Proudley who tragically died in a crash earlier this year. Previous tributes to Liam from his colleagues at RAF Conningsby described him as being “compassionate”, “committed” and an “outstanding professional.”

At 2pm on Tuesday, June 25, an inquest into his death was opened by Senior Coroner Paul Smith at Coroner’s Court in Lincoln. Coroner Smith stated: “I take the deceased to be Liam James Produley, who was 28 years of age on the date of his death, that being April 29 of this year.”

Liam, of Conningsby, died in a road traffic collision on the A1121 close to Swineshead Bridge, near Boston. The coroner continued: “The deceased’s occupation was a Corporal in the RAF.”

Liam moved to RAF Conninsby in 2023 after moving from his first unit at RAF Wittering in 2015, where he was part of the Mechanical Transport section and drove trucks in convoys across Europe. At RAF Conningsby he was given the role of mentoring personnel who were fresh out of training.

Then during the Typhoon Display Season, he led a team of young drivers across Europe to Poland and was later promoted to Corporal due to his standout qualities. After this Liam moved into the role of MT Control at RAF Conningsby, where he was responsible for coordinating and assigning personnel to tasks.

Coroner Smith explained that a postmortem examination took place on Tuesday, May 7, by Dr Bailey in Peterborough. The provisional cause of death is “1A multiple injuries arising from 1B a road traffic collision.” The Coroner continued: “There are further inquiries still to be processed in relation to the circumstances of Mr Produley’s death.”

Due to this the inquest was adjourned with a provisional date of October 29, 2024, set to allow for these inquiries to be carried out. However, this date is subject to change if the inquiries are completed quicker than expected, or additionally will be pushed back if more time is needed.

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