The Boston man who used his local post office to run huge dark web drug network

A Boston man used the dark web to sell cocaine, ecstasy and mephedrone to more than 550 buyers. From May 2022 until his arrest in July 2023, Donatas Kasputis used dark web marketplaces to sell 76kg worth of various illegal drugs.

The Cyber Investigations team at the East Midlands Special Operations Unit began to investigate a username across the websites called ‘Beatyhouse2015’, which later became ‘Goodgear’. This screen name was linked to a user in Boston who had subsequently moved to Norfolk.

On 14 occasions over 24 days the suspect dispatched 174 parcels and often sent between 10 and 30 packages each time. The 35-year-old was identified through a DNA profile, as although his DNA did not match anyone on UK forensic databases, he was identified after the information was shared with international partners through the Prüm Agreement.

This treaty was signed in 2005 and allows UK law enforcement to trace suspects or link crimes by sharing forensic information, like DNA, through other member states’ databases to solve crimes. Kasputis was arrested at a Post Office in Norfolk in July 2023.

In his possession were 16 packages containing 4-MMC and a small amount of cannabis. A search of his home in Norwich, supported by the Eastern Region Special Operations Unit, found 130g of cocaine, more than 1,300 tablets of MDMA, 6.4kg of mephedrone and just over 1.4kg of cannabis

Kasputis, of Breckland Road in Norwich, Norfolk, pleaded guilty to two counts of being concerned in the supply of a Class A drug to another (namely cocaine and MDMA), two counts of being concerned in the supply of a Class B drug to another (namely mephedrone and cannabis), two counts of possessing a Class A drug with intent to supply (namely cocaine and MDMA) and two counts of possessing a Class B drug with intent to supply (namely mephedrone and cannabis).

On Wednesday, May 22, he appeared at Norwich Crown Court and was jailed for a total of nine years. His Honour Judge Pugh said Kasputis played a significant role, further aggravated by his destruction of evidence.

Donatas Kasputis
Donatas Kasputis

Detective Inspector Jonathan Naylor, from EMSOU’s Regional Cyber Crime Unit, said: “This man was operating on the dark web and a cloud-based messaging app as an illegal drugs vendor. He would receive orders and then dispatch them to buyers both in the UK and internationally.”

He continued: “Similar to other types of cyber crime, the use of the internet and dark web allows individuals to sell to a much wider market, crossing county and country borders, which would normally require much larger organised crime groups. Our joint investigation, supported by the National Crime Agency (NCA) and ERSOU, really demonstrated a Team Cyber UK approach to international investigation and enabled us to identify the scale and extent of Kasputis’ activity.

“Using the dark web is often seen as anonymous and vendors often claim to protect their buyers, but the information on those 550 people we were able to identify as buying drugs from ‘Goodgear’ have been shared with the relevant police forces.”

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